মেহেরপুরে পৃথক অভিযানে ১৫০ বোতল ফেনসিডিলসহ দুই জন আটক

মেহেরপুর সদর ও গাংনীতে পৃথক দুটি অভিযান চালিয়ে ১৫০ বোতল ফেন্সিডিলসহ দুই মাদক ব্যবসায়ীকে আটক করেছে জেলা গোয়েন্দা (ডিবি) পুলিশ।

মঙ্গলবার রাত পোনে ৯টার দিকে মেহেরপুর ডিবি পুলিশের এস আই মহসিন সঙ্গীয় ফোর্স নিয়ে সদর উপজেলা কামদেবপুর গ্রামের হঠাৎপাড়ায় অভিযান চালিয়ে ১০০ বোতল ফেনসিডিলসহ লিয়াকত আলীর ছেলে গাফফার কে আটক করে।

অপরদিকে, বিকালে ডিবির এস আই আশরাফুল ইসলাম গাংনী উপজেলার তেরাইল পশ্চিমপাড়া কবরস্থানের নিকট অভিযান চালিয়ে ৫০ বোতল ফেনসিডিলসহজাহাঙ্গীর হোসেন নামের এক মাদক ব্যবসায়ীকে আটক করে।

আটক জাহাঙ্গীর হোসেন সহরাডাঙ্গা গ্রামের মোয়াজ্জেম হোসেনের ছেলে।

আটক আসামীদের বিরুদ্ধে সদর ও গাংনী থানায় পৃথক মামলা দায়ের করে থানায় হস্থান্তর করা হয়েছে।

মেহেরপুরে হেরোইন রাখার অভিযোগে একজনের যাবজ্জীবন

মেহেরপুরে হেরোইন রাখার অভিযোগে মিজানুর রহমান মজনু নামের এক মাদক ব্যবসায়ীকে যাবজ্জীবন সশ্রম কারাদণ্ড দিয়েছে আদালত।
বৃহস্পতিবার দুপুরে মেহেরপুরের অতিরিক্ত জেলা ও দায়রা জজ রিপতি কুমার বিশ্বাস এ রায় দেন। একই সঙ্গে ১০ হাজার টাকা জরিমানা অনাদায়ে আরও ৬ মাসের কারাদণ্ডাদেশ দেওয়া হয়েছে।
সাজাপ্রাপ্ত মিজানুর রহমান মজনু মেহেরপুরের গাংনী পৌরসভার ৪ নম্বর ওয়ার্ডের সদরউদ্দিন সাহার ছেলে।

মামলার বিবরণে জানা যায়, ২০১২ সালের ১২ মে গাংনীর র‌্যাব-৬ এর একটি দল গাংনী বাজার এলাকায় অভিযানের সময় পানের দোকানদার মিজানুর রহমান মজনু র‌্যাব সদস্যদের দেখে পালানোর চেষ্টা করে। এসময় র‌্যাব সদস্যরা তাকে গ্রেপ্তার করার পর তার কাছ থেকে ২৯ গ্রাম হেরোইন উদ্ধার করেন। এ ঘটনায় গাংনী থানায় একটি মামলা দায়ের করেন।

মামলার তদন্তকারী কর্মকর্তা গাংনী থানার তৎকালীন এস আই আসাদুজ্জামান আসাদ মামলার প্রাথমিক তদন্ত শেষে আদালতে অভিযোগপত্র দাখিল করেন। মামলায় ১৪ জন সাক্ষী তাদের সাক্ষ্য প্রদান করেন। এতে মিজানুর রহমান মজনু দোষী প্রমাণিত হওয়ায় আদালত তাকে যাবজ্জীবন সশ্রম কারাদণ্ডসহ ১০ হাজার টাকা জরিমানা ও অনাদায়ে আরও ৬ মাসের কারাদণ্ডাদেশ দেন।

মামলার রাষ্ট্রপক্ষের অতিরিক্ত পিপি কাজি শহীদুল হক এবং আসামি পক্ষে অ্যাডভোকেট মিয়াজান আলী আইনজীবীর ছিলেন।

গাংনীতে গাঁজা ও গাঁজা সেবনের সরঞ্জামসহ ৭ মাদক সেবী গ্রেফতার

মেহেরপুরের গাংনীতে ৭ মাদক সেবীকে গ্রেফতার করেছে পুলিশ। এসময় তাদের কাছ থেকে ৭০ গ্রাম গাঁজা ও গাঁজা সেবনের সরাঞ্জাম উদ্ধার করা হয়।

শুক্রবার দিবাগত মধ্যে রাতে উপজেলার বামুন্দী নিশিপুর এলাকা থেকে তাদের গ্রেফতার করা হয়।

গাংনী থানার ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা (ওসি) বজলুর রহমান জানান,বামুন্দী নিশিপুর এলাকায় একদল মাদক সেবী মাদক সেবন করছে এমন সংবাদের ভিত্তিতে অভিযান চালিয়ে নিশিপুর গ্রামের খোকন আলীর ছেলে আকুল হোসেন (১৮),এই গ্রামের মহিন উদ্দীনের ছেলে বসির আহমেদ (৩৪),মনিরুল ইসলামের ছেলে রনি (২৩),আব্দুল মতিনের ছেলে হাসিবুল ইসলাম শুভ (৩১),নায়েব আলীর ছেলে আব্দুল হালিম (২০),জিল্লুর রহমানের ছেলে কাবিদুল ইসলাম ওরফে কাদুল (৩৩),নবীছুদ্দীনের ছেলে জহুরুল ইসলামকে (৩৪) গ্রেফতার করা হয়।

গ্রেফতারকৃতদের বিরুদ্ধে মাদক দ্রব্য আইনে মামলা দায়ের পূর্ববক আদালতে সোপর্দ করা হয়েছে।

মেহেরপুরে ফেন্সিডিল রাখার অপরাধে দুই জনের ৪ বছর জেল

মেহেরপুরে ফেন্সিডিল রাখার অপরাধে আরিফুল ইসলাম ও মাহমুদুল হাসান নামের দুই ব্যাক্তির ৪ বছর করে জেল দিয়েছেন আদালত।

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার দুপুরে মেহেরপুরের অতিরিক্ত জেলা ও দায়রা জজ রিপতি কুমার বিশ্বাস এ রায় ঘোষনা করেন। রায় ঘোষনার সময় আরিফুল ইসলাম আদালতে উপস্থিত থাকলে অপর আসামি মাহমুদুল হাসান পলাতক ছিলেন।

দণ্ডপ্রাপ্ত আরিফুল ইসলাম পাবনা জেলা বেড়া এলাকার বাসিন্দা।

মামলার বিবরণে জানা গেছে, ২০১৪ সালে ৪০ বোতল ফেন্সিডিলসহ আরিফুল ইসলাম ও মাহমুদুল হাসানকে আটক করে পুলিশ।


SKS foundation provides improved WASH facilities in some secondary level schools in Meherpur

Education is one of the fundamental rights. In order to keep pace with other fast developing countries, attention needs to be paid to girls’ education. There is some indifference towards girls’ education in rural areas of Bangladesh. Because parents think that girls will only manage the family. These thoughts are worrisome in this age so it is important to develop the girls of our country as educated people.

In Meherpur district, the national non-governmental organization SKS Foundation is implementing a project called Wash in Institution in collaboration with WaterAid Bangladesh. In particular, the WASH facilities included in the project in school sanitation are helping to increase the capacity of stakeholders such as teachers, school management committee, parent teacher association and student hand washing monthly hygiene management. In addition, the project has set up management and maintenance systems by raising wash funds in each school.

The project is currently collaborating with 12 secondary schools and madrasas where 4922 students have received wash facilities and about 3212girls students have access to monthly hygienic management in their schools. Needless to say, before the start of the project, there was zero percent monthly sanitation, 45 percent hand washing facilities and 55 percent safe drinking water. In this project of Water Aid, wash facility has been provided in some selected schools on the advice of Upazila Education Department and local administration.

Improved facilities include monthly health benefits for boys and girls considering their gender. Along with a path with a ramp, hand washing facilities with running water, proportional based toilet room facilities to ensure the quality of drinking water by installing or re-sinking tubewells for safe drinking water. Moreover, the project arranged training for the guardians and teachers. Orientation has been given to the female students through classroom sessions on hand washing and menstrual health management. In order to keep the facilities running in the school, an average of Tk 60,000 has been given to each school as FDR. The wash block will be managed from the profits received from the  FDR.

“I used to  absent from school 4 days in a month because of my period. Due to inadequate school facilities and I also have no clear massage to manage time during school hours. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to use such clean and hygienic toilet facilities including monthly health management, ”said Rehana Khatun, a student of class nine  at SaharbatiEbadatkhana School in Gangni Upazila. Selina Khatun, a teacher at JTS Girls School in Gangni, said that now a days there is an open discussion about the menstrual health of girls and  womenteachers.

District Education Officer Mahfuzul Hossain saidthat  the district education department is happy to get the school wash facilities included in the project and we will try to replicate the whole model across the district using other development funds so that we can cover the whole district and ensure quality education.


A fine of Tk 60 lakh was imposed on 10 brickfields in Gangni

On Tuesday all day long a special team of mobile court of Environment Department conducted here in the district  and raided 10 separate brick kilns in Gangni upazila  and imposed fine taka 60 lakhs as the kilns were running without clearance from the Environment Department and burning wood polluting environment.

According to the mobile court sources, most of the brick kilns are burning wood and there is no clearance from the environment department. Besides, brick kilns were set up in populated areas and on  cultivable lands. In addition to the fines, several parts of the brickfields were smashed with excavator machines.

Taka 6 lakh to Tama Bricks,  6 lakh to Joardar Bricks,  6 lakh to Samata Bricks,  6 lakh to Rupsa Bricks,   4 lakh to Three Star Bricks,  4 lakh to Boss Bricks, 5 lakh to Best Bricks,  7 lakh to Ekta Bricks, 7 lakhs to Vision Bricks and 6 lakh to Janata Bricks were imposed fine.

The court was conducted by Abu Hasan, executive magistrate of the mobile court. A team of police including Deputy Director of Kushtia Zone of Environment Department Ataur Rahman, DAD of RAB-7 Shafiqul Islam, Station Master of Fire Service Isahak Ali were present at the time.

Executive Magistrate Abu Hassan said most of the brick kilns were burning wood and there was no clearance from the environment department. For all these reasons, the brick kilns have been demolished by conducting a mobile court and collected fines. The fine was imposed as per the Brick Manufacturing  Brick Installation Act 2013 amended in 2019. “Our campaign against illegal brick kilns will continue,” he said.


ACC files case against former OC of Gangni police station and his wife

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has filed two separate cases against former Officer-in-Charge (OC) Harendranath Sarkar of  Gangni Police Station and his wife Krishna Rani Adhikari for allegedly acquiring illegal assets worth Tk 3 crore.

Nasrullah Hossain, Deputy Director of  ACC, Kushtia office on Tuesday afternoon filed two separate cases as a plaintiff.

The accused in one case is former OC of Gangni police station Harendranath Sarkar (53). Another accused in the case is OC’s wife Krishna Rani Adhikari. They are the resident of village Bashirampur under Ashasuni upazila of Shathkhira district. Harendranath Sarkar is currently the inspector of Rangamati PSTS. According to the case statement, OC Harendranath Sarkar has illegally earned Tk 2 crore 8 lakh 57 thousand 84. He could not give any explanation for this money. Similarly, his wife Krishna Rani Adhikari could not give any explanation of 32 lakh 70 thousand 604 rupees. Sections 26 (2) and 26 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2004 and two cases under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 4 (2) and 4 (3) of 2012 were filed.

The plaintiff Nasrullah Hossain, Dy. Director of ACC Kushtia said action would be taken against the accused as per law.

Home Ministry delegation examines the feasibility of immigration checkpost at Mujibnagar

A Six-member delegation from the Home Ministry visited Shawadhinata Road in Mujibnagar.
At that time, the delegation checked the possibility of an immigration check post there. On Sunday, a delegation led by Additional Secretary and Team Leader of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Security and Immigration) Abdullah Al Masud visited the site.

The inspection team includes Program Coordinator (Immigration-5), Home Ministry Joint Secretary ASM Zakir Hussain, Joint Secretary and Director (Traffic) and Bangladesh Land Ports Authority member Mostafa Kamal Majumder, Foreign Ministry Senior Assistant Secretary Deen Muhammad Emadul Haque, National Board of Revenue (NBR), Second Secretary Akhter Hossain and (South Asia-1) Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Iftekhar Ahmed.

Meherpur Deputy Commissioner Dr Mohammad Munsur Alam Khan, Superintendent of Police SM Murad Ali, Mujibnagar Upazila Nirbahi Officer Sujan Sarkar and Assistant Commissioner (Land) Nazmul Alam were with them during the visit. Earlier, they laid wreaths at the Mujibnagar Memorial.

Ministers visited Mujibnagar Shawdhinata Road

Minister for the Local Government Rural Development and Cooperative (LGRD) Ministry Tajul Islam and Forhad Hossain, MP, State Minister for Public Administration Ministry visited Mujibnagar Shawdhinata road today (Thursday) .

They visited the historical independence road (Shawdhinata Sorok) located at Mujibnagar, Meherpur which is to be reconstructed soon. During the visit, the LGRD minister said that the defeated force did not support the place where many memories of independence were intertwined after the assassination of Bangabandhu in 1975. Similarly it was also kept neglected. After coming to the power the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, just as the heroic freedom fighters are being honored, the places commemorating the war are also being preserved. On April 17, the Kolkata-Mujibnagar road was renamed as Swadhinata Road.

When asked LGRD minister Tajul Islam told to the journalists that both the former and the current mayors of Dhaka bear the same party’s ideology. However, there may be differences in their thinking, consciousness and actions. The piercing words that has started between them will make the party more well-organized. However, it will not have any negative impact on the common activists.

Speaking on the occasion, State Minister for Public Administration and President of Meherpur District Awami League Farhad Hossain said, “The design of the work worth Tk 1,000 crore in Mujibnagar will be finalized as per the promise of the Prime Minister.” It will be tabled at the meeting of ECNEC very soon. It is expected that work will start in the next financial year. If it is implemented, the entire history of the liberation war from Mujibnagar will be presented to the visitors from home and abroad.

On the occasion a meeting was also held in the conference hall of the Mujibnagar motel where Dr. Monsur Alam Khan, Deputy Commissioner, Meherpur was in the chair. Among others, Shahiduzzaman, MP, Helaluddin, Senior Secretary, Local Government Division, Abdur Rashid Khan, Chief Engineer, LGED, Saifur Rahman, Chief Engineer, Public Health Engineering and S M Murad Ali, Police Super were present.

Fish worth Taka 50 lakh destroyed in a month

Asaduzzaman, a young man of village Jugirgofa under Gangni upazila of the district started fish farming by cutting a pond on his own 1.5 bigha land to bring back prosperity. He gave fish fry worth taka 50 thousands which become large in size. Suddenly he saw the fish in the pond dying. At first he thought the fish were dying because of the weather impact. Later the water of the pond was examined and it was found that all the fish in the pond had died for application of poison in the water. This caused a loss of taka at least 5 lakh. The incident took place on December 25 last. Not becoming hopeless, he started fish farming in a new way again. Not only Asaduzzaman but six fish cultivators of the village faced the same consequences as miscreants secretly gave poison in their ponds.

Abdul Latif of Jugirgofa village under Gangni upazila said that on the morning of December 17, he saw the fish in the pond floating dead. At first it seemed that the oxygen in the water was reduced, but later it was seen that all the fish in the pond died within five days. It has caused a loss of taka at least 6 lakh.

Similarly, fish worth taka 20 lakh from Thandu Mia, 10 lakh from Anish and Idris, 10 lakh from Khalil member and 5 lakh from Dulu Mia were killed by poisoning. The miscreants did this heinous act secretly even after guarding the pond. The fish farmers of the village have perplexed to the extreme.

Fish farmers said that the price of fish fry and food is high. But we are not getting fair price. Even then, it would have been possible to save capital by selling fish. But the miscreants are putting the fish farmers on the road by poisioning the fish ponds. The farmers further said that the thieves or miscreants did not dare to commit such misdeeds as the members of the police force had come on patrol earlier. Now they are getting opportunity as there is no patrol.

Gangni Upazila Assistant Fisheries Officer Hossain Ahmed Swapan said the youths and expatriates of Jugirgofa village in Gangni started fish farming as fish farming was very profitable. They also benefited a lot. Many people are going to sit on the road after killing fish with poison recently. A meeting has been held with the fish farmers on the issue. Pond guarding is being arranged jointly. At the same time, the process of identifying the miscreants and bringing them under the law is also underway.

Gangni Thana Inspector (investigation) Sajedul Islam said the matter has already been reported to the police camp in the area and it has been suggested to intensify the patrol.